The Gut Coach

Welcome wellness warrior! You’re in the right place.
I’m Betsy Vedder, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Lifestyle Educator, proud graduate of the AFPA, a program accredited by American Association of Drugless Practitioners and American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board.   
I live in the sunny state of South Florida with my four beautiful children and husband.
Most days you can find me chasing after my little ones, playing at the beach, hiking a trail, cooking, researching, gardening, and helping people. I have a crazy love of learning and am always finding myself researching a new topic or finding health solutions for people in my life.
I'm also just like you -- I have my own health struggles, am not perfect when it comes to eating, maintaining balance, or doing everything just as it should -- but I strive for this every day.

About Me


Many know me as the girl who makes a lot of healthy food. Maybe you’ve come to me for health advice or for a recommendation for an awesome chiropractor. Or for how to help your kids with their dry or flaky skin. Or how to support your immune function because you are so tired of being sick. Or maybe you wanted to know which essential oils can help your babe with their ear discomfort. I field a lot of these questions almost daily and everything that these questions have in common are people looking to take their health into their own hands - to be an advocate for their own health.

Gut health. It’s a topic that has burst onto the scene recently for so many important reasons. But for me, it was a personal reason that I started researching gut health in depth 8 years ago. Developing Ulcerative Colitis was like a wake up call for me. One day, my whole world changed. I changed my entire lifestyle overnight to reverse the damage I had done so far. With dedicated work, a lot of tantrums, perseverance, and commitment – I’ve been able to reverse my symptoms, experience vastly improved digestion and absorption, and encourage an enormous amount of healing. I literally have never felt better in my life!

To be honest, the number of people I know with gut issues is staggering. Don’t underestimate the value of the job your gut does.

The latest scientific research is showing us just how vital it is to take proper care of microbiome, as good gut health is associated with better digestion, a healthier immune system and even a slimmer waistline. Thankfully, more and more studies are discovering what properly caring for our microbiome actually looks like.

This is why I advocate for eating nourishing, health-focused meals, taking care of your emotional self, moving your body, dumping the toxins in your home, and radical, proactive self care.

Because you can’t do all the things you want to do in life without your health.

Most of us start in functional medicine because we know what it’s like to feel bad. I relate on a deep level to my clients because it’s my passion to help people avoid feeling the pain I have experienced.


Go With Your Gut

Introducing my newest program for the ultimate gut repair!

A 6-week program designed to help you restore your gut! Are you ready?



Three - 45 minute virtual or in-person consultations per month and more..

This is for the deep divers, the ones who are all in on their wellness.



One - 45 minute video or in-person consultation per month. Personalized wellness plan.

This is ideal for the person with health questions and common ailments.


Together we can start your road to wellness…

“All disease begins in the gut.” – The Ancient Greek Physician Hippocrates